Anniversary Lunch
Monday, October 17th, 2022
The Network celebrated its 20th Anniversary in style with an Autumn Lunch at the Royal Air Force Club on Tuesday 11 October. The Club is located at the western end of Piccadilly and it was thanks to the late John Downham that we were able to hold the event in this impressive and elegant building opposite Green Park. Drinks in the ground floor bar were followed by a delicious three-course lunch in the 1st floor Sovereign’s Room. The table service was an understated masterpiece of choreography, the wines excellent and the company, of course, unparalleled!
Philip Barnard had been persuaded to address the gathered masses and towards the end of the meal he treated us to a brief canter through the history of the market research industry, together with some personal reminiscences and anecdotes. His recollections of meetings with senior Research International/Kantar staff in the USA, in particular, will linger long in the memory.
The event was notable also for the large number of non-members invited by three Network ‘Champions’ in a drive to expand membership and ensure that the Network can continue in its present form. It is too early yet to judge the success of the initiative but the Steering Group will report back once the outcome becomes clearer.
Our thoughts are with the family of John Downham, who died in January this year; and our thanks go to the staff of the RAF Club and, as ever, to Jane Bain and Jane Gwilliam, whose joint organisational skills made the lunch such a success.
Pictures of this thoroughly enjoyable event can be viewed in the gallery.